Effectively manage the supply chain
Online auctions Maximize your profits with

Measure and improve supplier performance with an approved supplier management system

Create Online Auctions and push the competitiveness of your suppliers.

Automate and stay informed of all supply chain management processes

Supply Sense
To whom it May concern,
The purchase order detailed below is overdue.
Demand: Raw Material
Quantity: 10 tons

of Supply-Sense What are the advantages?
You can associate the requests with the budget and prevent unapproved purchases by running approval processes. You eliminate the possibility of abuse
When determining your approved suppliers, all evaluations are made and You can monitor what is not done and prevent wrong purchases.
You measure the performance of your suppliers and enable them to improve in quality, price and service.
By establishing a supplier portal, you reduce your costs by placing your suppliers in online tenders.
While increasing competition, you will not disrupt supplier relations.
Transparent and you become accountable,
Since you define the purchasing criteria, your purchasing team cannot carry out any purchasing transactions that fall outside these criteria, and you guarantee your institutionalism.
supplier portal You will be able to carry your workload to the suppliers and you will start to manage the Supply Chain Process effectively without having to chase the demands.

"At Altek Metal, we operate a very dynamic sales and purchasing process. LME hedge is very important for us and it is a process that we must be able to manage without losing our flexibility. With Hedge-Sense, we can associate all our physical and stock market transactions with each other without losing this flexibility, and we have ensured that our operational profit/loss is cleared from financial profit/loss.
Altek Metal Industry ve Tic. Inc.