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Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
RPA is used to carry out the repetitive tasks that a person does on a computer, that is, in an electronic environment, during the day. It is a system used for tools working in the user interface of computer systems. An RPA tool works by mapping a process in the RPA tool language that the software robot will follow, and the runtime is allocated to execute the script by a control panel. '' Therefore, RPA tools aim to reduce the burden of repetitive, simple tasks on employees.
What Kinds of Jobs Can RPA Robots Do?
Constantly Repetitive
Certainty Expected
your e-mails;
can read,
can download files (word, excel, powerpoint etc.),
can process the data contained in the files,
can give automatic answers.
your reports;
can prepare
can analyze data,
can send alerts on critical data .
All kinds of programs;
can login,
You can enter data,
can export data,
can be used for integration.
It never stops;
does not take a break,
his work never ends,
does not go on vacation,
It works x20 times faster.
Should I give up existing programs when I invest in RPA?
When you start using RPA, you will not give up using your existing systems. PRAs are software robots that use existing systems instead of humans. While the term “Robotic Process Automation” (RPA) refers to a vision of them centered around office operations performing human tasks, RPA is mostly associated with email and systems of record such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. can work in an integrated manner. In addition, many processes such as adding spreadsheets are carried out on the interfaces used by these systems. In order to perform these operations on the CRM, RPA is assigned a login ID and password and executes the tasks just like a human would.
Benefits of RPA
According to the RPA research conducted by Deloitte in the top 1000 companies in the United States in 2018, 53% of the companies have started their RPA processes. Again, 78% of the top 1000 companies will start to invest in PRA and increase their investments in the next three years. Currently, 20% of the current workload of these companies is carried out by RPA robots. The gains obtained by the companies after RPA are as follows;

How soon does RPA pay for itself?
According to the data we have obtained from the projects we have done, PRA projects pay themselves back in less than 1 year. It has been observed that especially when growing companies make PRA investments in addition to investing in human resources, they rapidly reduce costs and increase service quality by having robots do routine and repetitive tasks.
In addition, having robots do routine and boring tasks by employees positively affects the motivation within the organization.
When evaluated economically, an average robot can do the work of 6 to 7 personnel alone. This is quickly reflected in the costs. In the example below, a growing company's RPA investment costs and personnel growth scenarios are compared in terms of cost.

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Send us all the questions you want to ask about RPA by filling out the form below. See the advantages that we will provide to you through sample processes with our special demo works for your company, on your own needs.
Burak Yilmaz
Corporate Sense - Partner (RPA)

We Analyze Your Processes Together
We analyze all your processes together and determine the ones suitable for the RPA project.
We analyze the business time of your processes and report how much you can save.

RPA Robot
Development Process
According to the determined processes, the number of development man days is determined and the proposal is created. If requested, a process can be made robotic.
Man Determined by Day
Determined on Project Basis

Maintenance & License Fees
Maintenance needs are determined according to the size of the project and the performance of the robots is monitored monthly.
Licenses are free up to a robot. It is determined according to the number of robots needed according to the scope of the project.
Initial Robot License Fee